
Found MAIKO on the street☆

When I was takeing a walk at Miyagawa-cho where is Maiko & Geiko
living, I saw real Maiko!!! Yeah!!! I m lucky girl^^
this photo which is Maiko get Tea house.

This is a Maiko's school☆
they learn Kyoto language , elegant dance and so on.......

There are 5 town where Maiko is living in Kyoto-city.
Each of Maiko town have original somethings, not same as others!
For example, Each of Maiko town is giving a entertaiment dancing
show once in a year!!!!
This is a Maiko entertaiment dancing show 2 of them.
I've never seen that, but I heard that it is really good !!!!^^
If you gonna trip to Japan, what about go on this Maiko's
entertaimant show!!!

Kyoto Cuisine & MAIKO Evening on 22nd

Thank you sooooo much for coming today.

Today's customers came from H.K(8 people)
China(19 people) and Japan.

Tonight, this event was covered by reporters
of H.K magazine and newspaper!!!!! ^^

We really appriciate many reporters came tonight!!!^^
Thank you very much!!!!
And we hope a lot of people join the event and we hope
enjoy their dinner with Maiko, elegant dance and
drinking games........ experience one-in-a-life!!!! ☆
We held the Kyoto Cuisine & Maiko Evening on 20th as well!!!!!
Customers came from H.K and South Africa( he've been working
here in Japan) and Japan.
To be honest, I m soooooooo happy to meet all of customers through
this event, every customers look soooo happy!!!^^
it makes us happy! and also, We appriciate that we have a
wonderful culture still alive here in Kyoto!!!
We really want to share wonderful culture with you ☆
There are a lot of amazing culture in the world!!!
How wonderful world we have☆☆
It was warm & sunny here in Kyoto, today!!!
How about your country? your town?
Have a nice day!!!
Love always xxx


Kyoto Cuisine & Maiko Evening on 19th

Today's costumer come from Sigerpore, Canada, U.S.A
China , Australia and Japan.

Thank you sooooooooo much for coming
Kyoto Cuisine and Maiko Evening tonight!!!^^
Maiko's elegant dance.......

This beautiful ladies & good looking Men come from Australia!!
Thank you sooooo much for coming!!!^^
How was the game , wonderful food, Ozashikiasobi,,, Maiko dance..
I hope you enjoy staying here...

This lovely couple come from Australia as well!!!^^
They are enjoying Japan trip as a honeymoon!!
I was soooo happy to talking them, because they
gave me a olt of LOVE^^
☆Happy Happy Wedding!!☆ LOVE forever^^
I was a M.C of today's Kyoto cuisine & Maiko evening.
I was soooo happy to meet all of you today!!!^^

We are look forward to seeing you again!!!
We really hope you enjoy your staying Janan!!!
Thank you^^
love always☆



I jointed a Gion Corner Winter Special Plan!!!!
I was really enjoy myself^^

Actually, taking a photo with real Maiko
is really difficult.
We need to go tea house to spend our time with
Maiko, but tea house is really strict!!!
The new customer can not go to there alone.
So, this type of servise(TEA PARTY) is amazing!!!!
and price is perfect! only 500yen!!!

Geiko made tea for us.

And Maiko served tea to us.
I was sooooo excited , because really close to Maiko.
She was sooooo pretty^^

Thank you ^^

Her Hair ornament was beautiful!!

WOW, happy happy!! tea comes with sweet..
I already ate one piece of sweets^^

Look at that!!! a maple.....

a weeping cherry bloossom....
There are art!!!^^
Tea & sweet was good!!

tools of Tea ceremony

The happiest thing was taking a photo with them!!!
Rare special opportunity of a photo-shoot with them.

When you visit to Japan I recommend you to check
events of GION CORNER.
There are interesting events!!

Gion Corner is located central of Gion.
I had a great time at there.
I hope you like this event^^

And also, I recommend if you are interested in Maiko,
How about come to HATANAKA????????

We started event which spend time with Maiko!!!!!☆☆☆
The name of plan is " KYOTO Cuisine & Maiko Evening"

You can enjoy MAIKO's ELEGANT DANCE ,
"OZASHIKI-OSOBI" which is Japanese traditional
drinking games and you can TAKE PHOTOES with
them whenever you want!!!
and then you can enjoy WONDERFUL MEAL,
when you eating your dinner Manko go to your table ,
you can enjoy TALKING with them!!!!^^

We held this event every Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat!!!!

here in HATANAKA☆

The perfect place to spend an extraordinary night
during your once-in-a-lifetime trip to Kyoto.

thank you☆

Plum is coming out☆

I went to Kitano-tenmangu-shrine.

This shrine enshrines Michizane Sugawara ,
who becauseof his great learning during his lifetime
is worshipped as the patron of learning.
And Kitano-tenmangu-shrine is well-known
as a beautiful pulm garden!!

There are some stalls in the shrine.... sweet,
Okonomiyaki, .....
Let's go !!!

You must be surprised !!! HUGE tiger was welcome to me!!
can you see? How big it is,,, please, compare to a plastic bottle.

It's a cow of stone.
There are a lot of cow like this....
Because, Michizane's chinese astrology was cow!

Can you see the flower of plum?
I found it on the roof.

Fragrant with plums........ lovely^^

Let go !!!

How beautiful it is.... like a snow of flowers....^^

white plum....

pink plum.......

white-ish pink......

yellowish plum...
Actually, I ve never seen such a yellowish one.
it's a rare color.
which color do you like???^^

Now, had just started blooming,
it will be more beautiful a few weeks later...

I would like to send you about news of spring flowers^^

Amazing JAPAN!!!!!
have a nice day!!!

Kyoto cuisine & MAIKO evening on 17th

Today's customers come from
Hong Kong, Beijing and Japan!!^^
Thank you very much for coming today!!!!

This is "Ozashikiasobi" which is Japanese traditional drinking games!!!

We look forfard to seeing you again!!!!^^